Production Machining & Custom Fabrication Services


130 Wyatt Rd,

Winnipeg, MB, 

R2X 2X6

Opening hours

Mon – Fri : 8 AM – 4 PM

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Our Privacy Policy at Hillary Production Machining


Precision Crafted, Quality Assured: Discover the Hillary Production Difference






Hillary Production Machining

Our Privacy & Confidentiality Policy

At Hillary Production Machining Ltd., we prioritize your privacy and greatly value the trust you place in us. Our use of the information we collect about you and your business is strictly limited to enhancing our communications concerning our products, services, and promotions.

Confidentiality Policy

  1. Customer Information Security: All data and information provided by our customers are treated as confidential and remain strictly the property of the client. We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your information.
  2. Non-Disclosure Agreement: Hillary Production Machining Ltd. assures that neither the company nor any of its employees assigned to the project will disclose any project-related information to any third party without the express prior consent of an executive officer of the client. Furthermore, we agree that neither the company nor its staff will copy, reproduce, or in any other way divulge any tangible or intangible assets that could reasonably be considered confidential information of the client.
  3. Employee Obligations: All employees of Hillary Production Machining Ltd. are bound by strict Non-Disclosure and Non-Compete agreements to safeguard client confidentiality effectively.
  4. Data Protection Measures: Our document and file storage facilities are robustly secured. We ensure that all electronic transmissions are stored on a secure, private server to prevent unauthorized access and maintain data integrity.

By adhering to these guidelines, we ensure that your information is protected according to the highest standards of privacy and security. Thank you for trusting Hillary Production Machining Ltd. with your business needs.